Final Feast

Github Repo - Project’s state on submission.

Submission to the 1-week Scream Secrets 2024 Game Jam. A horror game prototype wherein the player is tasked with surviving a game of culinary survival by choosing food to eat while trying not to starve. Items found each day can help the player in making the right choices. Built in Unreal Engine with C++, blueprints and original art assets. Submission can be found here.


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Instrument: One Antarctic Night

Multiplayer VR art-science data exploration system, exhibited at several museums & conferences. Utilizing night sky observation data collected from an antarctic telescope, combined with web-scraped metadata extensions from multiple sources, this system provides a VR interface where users are placed inside the cloud of astronomical bodies and can explore millions of data points through manual manipulation of any individual point. Doing so allows users to drill down to all available metadata about each point, while procedurally generating a unique audio-visual component which can be activated as part of a collaborative composition with other players.



Github Repo - Presented as-is from snapshot of (quite old) project status. Not representative of release code; not maintained.

A 3D rhythm game wherein a music track is split into stems which can be activated by a player one by one, with the goal of keeping the full composition going. The stems are on individual lanes the player can move between, and activated by moving a flying ship along notes procedurally placed on these lanes using a peak detection algorithm.

Stick Fighter

Github Repo - Presented as-is from snapshot of (quite old) project status. Not representative of release code; not maintained.

A 2D fighting game with stick figure characters. The system uses 2D animated sprites for the characters rendered against a 3D background. The game features standard fighting systems like special moves and combos, with features such as a gravity and scaling based juggle system.


Github Repo - Presented as-is from snapshot of (quite old) project status. Not representative of release code; not maintained.

Utilizing xAudio and positional audio tools, a 3D world simulation with no graphical interface at all meant to be explored purely through sound with interactable goals throughout. Part of a study I developed to test if humans are capable of navigating game worlds through audio.


ATLAS in Silico

Projected full-body interactive data exploration tool with autostereographic virtual environment rendering the Global Ocean Survey (GOS) dataset. I was a contributor to this project after a large part of it was lost by the previous team. I restored and updated the project, including building a new control scheme from scratch using a custom IR camera OpenCV multiuser body tracking interface. I went on to oversee the exhibition of the reworked project as an installation at several museums and conferences.

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Github Repo - Presented as-is from snapshot of (quite old) project status. Not representative of release code; not maintained.

A simple 3D platformer designed around technical movement, with features such as wall-runs and wall-jumps.


Github Repo - Presented as-is from snapshot of (quite old) project status. Not representative of release code; not maintained.

Tool developed for a research study in HCI and translational perception mapping. The UI is not visible to the user, but the audio is. The user is told to orient the reticle such that it is closest to the target. A collection of tracer tones with multiple effects modulated by position constantly play. The idea is to test whether a human can rapidly adjust to a game world and gain some semblance of orientation with only audio feedback.

RePhoto (Mobile)

A mobile iOS app designed primarily for use in urban tree survey research, and adapted for a number of other applications. The application provides and records a collaborative database of photo records taken by users, with a system designed to align photos from previous shots to allow for a clear history of the object to form from the aggregate observations.


AIMessage (Mobile)

Github Repo - Presented as-is from snapshot of (quite old) project status. Not representative of release code; not maintained.

Primarily Android targeted (with iOS and PC compatibilty) choice-based story game which takes place in a false phone interface with text messaging and social media applications. Characters will text the player at different intervals throughout the day/week. Elements are customized to player choices. Features a stat checking system that allows more complex interactions like deceit attempts. Stats are chosen by a “roommate matching” questionnaire at the beginning of the game and evolve over time. Utilizes Marmalade SDK for multiplatform support.


Simple Rube Goldberg Game Project

Github Repo - Presented as-is from snapshot of (quite old) project status. Not representative of release code; not maintained.

Early undergrad project for 2D Game Math & Physics, illustrating concepts of OOP game dev with implemented physics system in raw C++/DirectX engine.
